Our latest farm venture is crafting beeswax candles. Locally we had a hard time finding pure beeswax candles to fit our Advent wreath as pictured below. Our solution: to make the custom-make our candles. We are hoping that others will like this concept and we will be testing this hypothesis at some upcoming Christmas events.
Please drop by to visit us at the following markets:
Fredericton Northside Market: Dec, 7 (noon to 7pm) and 8 (8am to 5pm) then Dec. 14 (noon to 7pm) and 15 (8am to 5pm)
Christmas at the Boyce Market: Dec 9 and Dec 16 both days 10am to 4pm
Chris Dunlap
Do you sell you candles online?
Chris Dunlap
YOUR candles I meant… Thank you!
Yes Chris we can sell you our candles online but the postage is not the cheapest. If you know what candles you would like, we can provide a postage estimate. We offer free deliveries to Fredericton.